How To Care for Breast Augmentation Revision Incisions: Tips for Recovery

Woman talks to a doctor (models) at a breast procedure follow-up.

Women typically have breast augmentation revision because they want to change their breast implants or because their implants have ruptured or deflated. Breast revision surgery is safe when performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon, but you will need to take proper care of your implants and incisions afterward.

In this post, we will discuss what to expect after your procedure and how to care for your breast augmentation incisions.

What To Expect After the First Day of Surgery

When you go home after your procedure, your breasts will be bandaged to minimize swelling and promote healing. It’s important to keep your body upright and supported by pillows when sitting or sleeping. You should also be aware of signs of infection in your breasts by looking out for redness and drainage around the incision site.

In this previous blog, you can dive into how breast augmentation revision surgery works.

How To Care for Your Breast Augmentation Incisions

It’s important to keep your incisions dry for several days after the procedure. Avoid showering or applying ice to your incisions, although you can use ice on the sides of your breasts. When your plastic surgeon gives you the OK to shower, avoid submerging your incisions in water and be sure to pat your incisions dry afterward.

Your plastic surgeon will advise you to avoid activities that make you raise your hands above your head. This action puts undue stress on your incisions and could cause them to reopen. The same goes for wearing an underwire or other type of bra after your surgery. You can resume wearing underwire bras 6 weeks post-procedure.

Don’t Forget Skin Care!

Caring for your skin is vital after your breast augmentation revision surgery. This is to ensure that you don’t have extensive scarring or discoloration. If you must go out in the sun, use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Protecting your skin in the early stages will help you get the best breast augmentation results possible.

When Can You Exercise After Breast Augmentation Revision?

Many patients ask this question as they’re eager to resume their workout routine. Typically, you can get back to strenuous workouts and heavy lifting after 6 weeks if your plastic surgeon agrees. Be cautious when attempting exercises such as pushups or pullups and always listen to your body when exercising.

Combining another procedure, such as a breast lift, with your breast augmentation revision may affect how quickly you can get back to your workout routine.

It can be discouraging to have to undergo breast augmentation revision, especially when it’s due to a health concern or a prior surgeon’s miscalculations. But in the hands of the right plastic surgeon, you will come through it smoothly and with beautiful new breasts.

If you feel ready for breast augmentation revision with a board-certified plastic surgeon, request a consultation or call us at (916) 929-1833 to schedule an appointment.



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